Scott Radke

July 10, 2007 at 4:42 pm (Halloween/creepy or goth) (, , )

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I’m sending off my doll club’s entry to our Halloween show today, so it feels appropriate to blog about Scott Radke.

A talented painter, Radke turned from murals to sand sculpture a few years ago, and from there to sculpting what he calls “marionettes.” His work has that creepy-strange quality that’s so popular in certain quarters these days, both repellent and fascinating. While other people make mermaids and fairies, he makes sea monsters and weird human-headed animals.

Somewhere I have a graphic design book that includes a color palette based on the colors found in dead bodies. Radke captures that palette perfectly and combines it with traditionally creepy details, like pointy hats and black-and-white stripes. I wonder what Halloween is like at his house…

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1 Comment

  1. Update– Scott Radke and UTEE « Needle and Clay said,

    […] Lomuto blogs about previously-featured artist Scott Radke on her Polymer Clay Notes blog. I like her observation that the widely-spaced eyes of his creatures […]

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